“Hello World” Example

Create Compartment

First we define a struct to describe the compartment.

* Compartment descriptor
typedef struct {
    void *entry;    // sentry for entry into compartment
    void *exit;     // sentry for return from compartment
    void *stack;    // callee's stack
    void *target;   // target function (sentry)
} cmpt_desc_t;

Then we can define a helper function to create a compartment.

static const cmpt_t *create_cmpt(cmpt_fun_t *target, unsigned stack_pages)

Inside this helper function, we first allocate some memory as the callee function’s stack.


size_t pgsz = getpagesize();
size_t sz = pgsz * stack_pages;

void *stack = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
// Note: setting bounds is going to be redundant here
// once kernel returns bounded capability.
stack = cheri_bounds_set(stack, sz);
stack = cheri_offset_set(stack, sz);
stack = cheri_perms_and(stack, STACK_PERMS);

Then we can allocate some memory for the metadata, which contains a compartment descriptor and then we can create a capability pair.

void *data = mmap(NULL, pgsz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
cmpt_desc_t *desc = (cmpt_desc_t *)cheri_bounds_set_exact(data, sizeof(cmpt_desc_t));
// Compartment descriptor:
desc->stack = stack;
desc->target = target;

And we have two ways to call the function in the compartment, and they’re LB- and LPB-sealed capabilities.

LB-sealed Capabilities

LB-sealed capabilities will leave unsealed copy in C29 because it uses instruction B(L)R [C29, #off] to unseal C29 and branches to capability at [C29,#off].

When using LB-sealed, we can simply fill in the relevant information in the compartment descriptor.

desc->entry = cmpt_entry;
desc->exit = cmpt_return;
desc->stack = stack;
if (!cheri_is_sealed(target)) {
    target = cheri_sentry_create(target);
desc->target = target;

// Return read-only LB-sealed pointer to cap pair:
return morello_lb_sentry_create(cheri_perms_and(desc, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS));

Also note that the cmpt_t type is defined as

* Compartment handle type (opaque).
typedef struct {
    void *data;
} cmpt_t;

And where the morello_lb_sentry_create is a simple function with inline ASM that seals the cap pair.

* Create LB-sealed sentry.
inline static void * __capability morello_lb_sentry_create(void *cap)
    void * __capability ret;
    __asm__ ("seal %0, %1, lb" : "=C"(ret) : "C"(cap));
    return ret;

LPB-sealed Capabilities

In contrast to LB-sealed capabilities, LPB-sealed capabilities will unseal temporarily to load and branch capability pair. It uses the instruction LDPB(L)R C29, [Cn] to load C29<=[Cn] and branches to [Cn,#16]. In this way, we can access through LPB cap without exposing unsealed copy.

When using LPB-sealed cap, we should do

// Compartment descriptor:
desc->stack = stack;
desc->target = target;
// Capability pair:
cmpt_t *cmpt = (cmpt_t *)cheri_bounds_set_exact(data + sizeof(cmpt_desc_t), sizeof(cmpt_t));
if (!cheri_is_sealed(target)) {
    target = cheri_sentry_create(target);
cmpt->data[0] = cheri_perms_and(desc, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS); // data capability
cmpt->data[1] = cmpt_switch; // code capability
// Return read-only LPB-sealed pointer to cap pair:
return morello_lpb_sentry_create(cheri_perms_and(cmpt, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS));

and the cmpt_t type is defined as follows.

* Compartment handle type (opaque).
typedef struct {
    void *data[2];
} cmpt_t;

And where the morello_lpb_sentry_create is a simple function with inline ASM that seals the cap pair.

* Create LB-sealed sentry.
inline static void * __capability morello_lpb_sentry_create(void *cap)
    void * __capability ret;
    __asm__ ("seal %0, %1, lpb" : "=C"(ret) : "C"(cap));
    return ret;

Besides these code, we also have three trampline functions in assembly code when using LB-sealed cap, namely, cmpt_call, cmpt_entry and cmpt_return. They’re defined in [lb.S] while there two trampline functions when using LPB-sealed cap, which are cmpt_call and cmpt_switch, and they’re defined in [lbp.S]

“Hello World” Example

Now we can create a hello world example based on what we have above. You can find the full code here, [compartmentalisation-helloworld]

We only show the main part of this Hello World example at the end. To compile them, we can first clone the repo and then run gmake. There will be two executables, hellolb and hellolpb, and as the name suggests, they use LB- and LPB-sealed cap respectively. We can run them and see the output.

$ gmake
cc -march=morello+c64 -mabi=purecap -Xclang -morello-vararg=new  -Iutil -DUSE_LB_SEALED_CAP util/capprint.c util/morello.c src/lb.S main.c -o hellolb
cc -march=morello+c64 -mabi=purecap -Xclang -morello-vararg=new  -Iutil util/capprint.c util/morello.c src/lpb.S main.c -o hellolpb

$ ./hellolb
using LB-sealed capability
csp: 0000fffffff7fe70 1 [0000ffffbff80000:0000fffffff80000) GrRMwWL-----I-V-23 none 1073741424 of 1073741824
csp: 0000000040a1ff40 1 [0000000040a1c000:0000000040a20000) GrRMwWL----------- none 16192 of 16384
csp: 0000fffffff7fe70 1 [0000ffffbff80000:0000fffffff80000) GrRMwWL-----I-V-23 none 1073741424 of 1073741824
result: 2 + 3 = 5

$ ./hellolpb
using LPB-sealed capability
csp: 0000fffffff7fe70 1 [0000ffffbff80000:0000fffffff80000) GrRMwWL-----I-V-23 none 1073741424 of 1073741824
csp: 0000000040a1ff40 1 [0000000040a1c000:0000000040a20000) GrRMwWL----------- none 16192 of 16384
csp: 0000fffffff7fe70 1 [0000ffffbff80000:0000fffffff80000) GrRMwWL-----I-V-23 none 1073741424 of 1073741824
result: 2 + 3 = 5
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include "morello.h"

* Wrappable function type.
typedef void *(cmpt_fun_t)(void* arg);


* LB-sealed
* Compartment handle type (opaque).
typedef struct {
    void *data;
} cmpt_t;

* Compartment descriptor
typedef struct {
    void *entry;    // sentry for entry into compartment
    void *exit;     // sentry for return from compartment
    void *stack;    // callee's stack
    void *target;   // target function (sentry)
} cmpt_desc_t;

static const cmpt_t *create_cmpt(cmpt_fun_t *target, unsigned stack_pages)
    size_t pgsz = getpagesize();
    size_t sz = pgsz * stack_pages;

    void *stack = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    // Note: setting bounds is going to be redundant here
    // once kernel returns bounded capability.
    stack = cheri_bounds_set(stack, sz);
    stack = cheri_offset_set(stack, sz);
    stack = cheri_perms_and(stack, STACK_PERMS);

    void *data = mmap(NULL, pgsz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    cmpt_desc_t *desc = (cmpt_desc_t *)cheri_bounds_set_exact(data, sizeof(cmpt_desc_t));
    desc->entry = cmpt_entry;
    desc->exit = cmpt_return;
    desc->stack = stack;
    if (!cheri_is_sealed(target)) {
        target = cheri_sentry_create(target);
    desc->target = target;

    // Return read-only LB-sealed pointer to cap pair:
    return morello_lb_sentry_create(cheri_perms_and(desc, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS));

// See src/lb.S
// https://git.morello-project.org/morello/morello-examples/-/blob/main/src/compartments/src/lb.S
extern void *cmpt_call(const cmpt_t *cmpt, void *arg);
extern void cmpt_entry(void *arg);
extern void cmpt_return();


* LPB-sealed
* Compartment handle type (opaque).
typedef struct {
    void *data[2];
} cmpt_t;

* Compartment descriptor
typedef struct {
    void *stack;
    void *target;
} cmpt_desc_t;

static const cmpt_t *create_cmpt(cmpt_fun_t *target, unsigned stack_pages)
    size_t pgsz = getpagesize();
    size_t sz = pgsz * stack_pages;

    void *stack = mmap(NULL, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    // Note: setting bounds is going to be redundant here
    // once kernel returns bounded capability.
    stack = cheri_bounds_set(stack, sz);
    stack = cheri_offset_set(stack, sz);
    stack = cheri_perms_and(stack, STACK_PERMS);

    void *data = mmap(NULL, pgsz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    cmpt_desc_t *desc = (cmpt_desc_t *)cheri_bounds_set_exact(data, sizeof(cmpt_desc_t));
    // Compartment descriptor:
    desc->stack = stack;
    desc->target = target;
    // Capability pair:
    cmpt_t *cmpt = (cmpt_t *)cheri_bounds_set_exact(data + sizeof(cmpt_desc_t), sizeof(cmpt_t));
    if (!cheri_is_sealed(target)) {
        target = cheri_sentry_create(target);
    cmpt->data[0] = cheri_perms_and(desc, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS); // data capability
    cmpt->data[1] = cmpt_switch; // code capability
    // Return read-only LPB-sealed pointer to cap pair:
    return morello_lpb_sentry_create(cheri_perms_and(cmpt, PERM_GLOBAL | READ_CAP_PERMS));

// See src/lpb.S
// https://git.morello-project.org/morello/morello-examples/-/blob/main/src/compartments/src/lpb.S
extern void *cmpt_call(const cmpt_t *cmpt, void *arg);
extern void *cmpt_switch(void *arg);


static void *fun(void *buffer)
    printf("csp: %s\n", cap_to_str(NULL, cheri_csp_get()));
    int *data = buffer;
    int x = data[0];
    int y = data[1];
    int z = x + y;
    data[2] = z;
    return data;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    printf("using LB-sealed capability\n");
    printf("using LPB-sealed capability\n");

    const cmpt_t *cmpt = create_cmpt(fun, 4 /* pages */);
    int buffer[3] = {2, 3, 0};

    printf("csp: %s\n", cap_to_str(NULL, cheri_csp_get()));

    int *res = cmpt_call(cmpt, buffer);

    printf("csp: %s\n", cap_to_str(NULL, cheri_csp_get()));

    printf("result: %d + %d = %d\n", res[0], res[1], res[2]);
    return 0;